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JKT48 Song Names Inconsistencies?

Before Flying Get, we have a pattern for song names like

Japanese title -Indonesian title-
example: Gomen ne, Summer -Maafkan, Summer-

However, after the release of of Kokoro no Placard, the pattern was changed to:

Indonesian title -Japanese title/English title-
example: Papan Penanda isi Hati -Message on a Placard-

(although this pattern was reverted to original again for Beginner and RKJ/BnT audio CD)

And, the release of Tadaima Renaichuu download card changed the pattern again into:

Indonesian title - Japanese title (Japanese kanji)
example: Sekarang Sedang Jatuh Cinta - Tadaima Renaichuu (ただいま恋愛中)

So, what would you prefer for naming all of your JKT48 songs in your computer? Let us know your opinion in comments! (JKT48CD)